Prof. Mubashir Hussain Masoodi is former Head Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & presently Director, Kupwara Sattelite Campus, University of Kashmir, J&K, India. Prof. Masoodi holds PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2007) from SPER, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, and postdoctoral fellowship from National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR), University of Mississippi, USA (2013-14). Prof. Masoodi has around 23 years of teaching & research experience and is recipient of several national and international fellowships and awards such as Indo-US UGC Raman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Young Scientist Award-2010 by J&K State Science, Technology & Innovation Council and best publication award by Indian Drug Manufacturer’s Association (IDMA), Mumbai. He has successfully carried out major research projects sanctioned by CCRUM Ministry of AYUSH, UGC, ICMR, J&K ST&IC, SRISTI-BIRAC etc. and has published around 90 research papers in peer-reviewed, national/international journals. Prof. Masoodi has been awarded International travel grant by different funding agencies such as ICMR, DST, CICIS, CSIR & J&K State Science, Technology & Innovation Council for presenting his research findings and has travelled countries like, Austria, Hungry, Solvakia, USA, Turkey, Portugal, Thailand, etc. Prof. Masoodi has supervised 05 PhD scholars, 20 M. Pharm scholars and is on editorial and review board of many reputed high-impact, international scientific journals. His research group is involved in isolation and semi-synthetic modification of isolated bioactive compounds and their pharmacological evaluation.